
Just like government elections, a voter must be “registered” in advance to be considered as eligible to vote in any given election. Though, instead of voters registering themselves, the election administrator is responsible for that process to ensure complete control over who has access to the election.

When you vote in a state/local election, you are required to verify your identity with an election worker before proceeding to vote. Typically this involves providing some type of identification card (e.g. Driver’s license, Voter ID Card, Birth Certificate, etc.) so that the worker can confirm that you are, in fact, who you say you are.

Election Runner elections work in a very similar way. Just like other online services (such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, etc.) voters are required to log in to an election using a Voter ID (i.e email/username) and a Voter Key (i.e. password).

Once the voter’s identity has been verified, Election Runner will confirm that the voter is eligible to vote in the requested election. This step ensures that…

  • The voter has permission to view and vote in the given election
  • The voter has not already voted in the given election (voters can only vote once)
  • The election is still accepting votes (i.e. the election is still running)